Friday, August 7, 2009

Recap Of Messages

1st Message- Fear Inducing Message

It is a link to a youtube video of an fear inducing commercial where there is a little kid who lost his mom. The kid is really scared and starts crying because he lost his mom. I htink the commercial works for both young people and also adults because youngsters do not want to lose their family members but also it works for adults because they do not want to die and leave their children b themselves.
Personally I know a friend who lost his mom because of smoking and I would wish that feeling to anyone.

2nd Message- Distractor

This is a picture of an anti-smoking campaing. These pictures are really explicit and it clearly shows what can happen to a person if he or she does not stop smoking. If a person sees this I think it would stop smoking.

3rd Message- Central Route Processing Message

This is a woman who had the opportunity to decide if she was going to smoke or not. She decided to smoke and that is what happened to her. I think it works because it shows people that if she would not have smoked she would be fine.

Central Route Processing

Two-Sided appealing to the Central Route Processing

Message With Distractors

Anti Smoking Message With Distractor

Fear Inducing Commercial

Thi is the link to the fear inducing commercial.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Recap Of The Messages

Message #1- This is a classical conditioning example where we have a very famous actor(Jackie Chan) in a campaign against smoking. This works because many people like Jacki Chan and if people see that he is against smoking they might stop smoking or not even start.

Message #2- It is again an example os classical conditioning where there is a chinese celebrity in a campaign against smoking where people try to stop smoking and there are many prizes for the people who are able to do it.

Message #3- This is an example of the classical conditioning principle of intense. This is a picture with a warning saying that smoking causes mouth diseases. It is nasty the way it is shown in the picture; but if people sees this they are probably going to stop smoking.

Message #4- This is an example of a subliminal message. It is the new campaign against smoking in canada. I think it is very useful because people always see negative messages and looking at one like this makes them really think if smoking its healthy or not where everyone knows that it is not healthy at all.

Message #5- This is a campaign to stop second hand smoking in the UK because second hand smoking hospitalizes 17,000 UK kids a year. It is very important that this stops because it is not only dangerous for the person who is smoking but also for kids and the people around the one who smokes.

Message #6- This picture is a campaign against smoking in India. It shows different ways of commiting suicide; it includes smoking as one and as the easiest one.

Credible Communicators

Message #6- An example of a credible communicator

Credible Communicators

Message #5- An example of a credible communicator

Subliminal Message

Message #4- An example of a subliminal message.

Classical Conditioning Principle- Intense

Message # 3- An example of the intense classical conditioning principle in smoking

Classical Conditioning Messages

Message # 2: Another example of a classical conditioning message.

Classical Conditioning Messages

Message #1: This is an example of a classical conditionning message

Friday, July 24, 2009

Technological Fixes to Reduce Smoking

Technological fixes to reduce smoking help people quit smoking. Some of these technological fixes are:
-Nicotine gum- this gum works as a substitute of the cigarette. It sends 2 or 4 mg of nicotine which equals the nicotine of 1 or two cigarettes. It depends of the user’s dependency of smoking.
In my personal experience my mom used this gum to quit smoking and it did not help her.
-Nicotine patches- this is a three step process so that users can gradually stop smoking. It consists of 21, 14, and 7mg. It also depends on how much the person smokes. If a person smokes a 20 cigarettes per day I should start with the 21mg patch; if someone smoke less than that it can start with “step 2” 14 mg patch. After a number of weeks (6 is recommended) at step I. New non-smokers move to step II for 2 weeks and step III for 2 weeks as well.
It is curious how people tend to suffer from nightmares if they use the patch while sleeping.
Also nicotine replacement products, account for 7% of quitters for at least 6 months.

-Nicotine pills- Although this pills are called nicotine pills, they do not contain any nicotine at all. The point for selling these pills opposed to the patches is that you can continue to smoke while taking the pills because a person is not going to overdose in nicotine. There is a quit-date to be reached while taking the pills.

Social Engineering Approaches to Reduce Smoking

I found interesting that a social engineering approach that society has used to reduce smoking in America is prohibit smoking in indoor places such as bars, restaurants and indoor workplaces.
I think that this is a great way to force society to stop smoking at least in those places. People spend much of their time working and going out; meaning that if people cannot smoke on those places it is highly expected that they might be able to stop smoking.
It is interesting how some business excecutives say that revenues have gone up because since the ban of smoking in their places. Also, another said that people wants to become healthier so regarding if the ban was working or not people still are trying to quit smoking in order to become healthier.

Contributions of Technology

Techonology has contributed on positives and negative ways to smoking.
Technological advances have helped with the creation of many ads and websites to show people how bad is it to smoke and why people should not smoke.

Also, the invention of some devices that will help people quit smoking. Examples are:
Gamucci- the electric cigarette. The purpose of this cigarette is to make the person feel, taste the cigarette like a normal one but without the tar and tobacco. I think this is a great invention, because people sometimes smoke just because they think it looks good to smoke and not really becasue it is an addiction for them. With this cigarette a person can do it without suffering the consequences.
Another device is the Handheld Computer Smoking Intervention Tool. This device helps the doctors to assist with smoking cessation counseling at the point-of-care. This device includes a handheld version of the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence. This test shows a smoker's level of dependency and in the past it has shown accuracy and validity on some research. The test give doctros questions to ask patients to know the level of dependency that its client has for smoking.
I think that this device can help in a great way doctors to detect the level of dependency of a person and choose the right medication to give to the patient.

History of Smoking

Smoking has been around since the 1000BC. It is said that by this time people started using tobacco plants for smoking and chewing and that the first people to start smoking were the Mayan cilization of the Americas. The first european smoker was Rodrigo de Jerez in 1493 who was arrested for smoking in public. In 1830, the first cuban cigars arrived in London. In 1832 the first paper rolled cigarette was made. Some people believe that it was egyptian soldiers and other historians suggest that Russians and Turks learnded from the French who learned about cigaretts from the Spaniards. 1970 Broadcast ads for cigarettes are banned in America. Last advert was for Virginia Slims in 1971. In 1973 there was a law that airplanes needed to create a non-smoking section on planes. In 1998 46 US states embrace $206bn settlement with cigarette makers over health costs for treating sick smokers. In March 31st of 2003 New York City bans smoking in all public places.

Now a days, smoking contributes for 22% of all male deaths and 11% of all female deaths.